Treatment for Menstrual Period Pain and Heavy Period


Menstrual pain and heavy periods, medically termed dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia respectively, are common concerns for many women. Fortunately, modern medicine offers various interventions for alleviating these symptoms.

For those experiencing intense menstrual cramps, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), are often the first line of treatment. These medications not only relieve pain but can also reduce menstrual flow. In cases where NSAIDs are ineffective, we may prescribe stronger painkillers or even hormonal treatments. Birth control pills, patches, and vaginal rings help in regulating menstrual cycles and reduce pain and flow.

Heavy periods that lead to anaemia or significant lifestyle disruptions may require further interventions. IUDs or even surgical options may be considered after we do a detailed evaluation.

At Srinivasa Hospitals, our gynaecologist will typically involve a thorough examination, possibly including an ultrasound, to rule out underlying conditions like fibroids, polyps, or endometriosis. It’s crucial for women to communicate openly with us about their symptoms to find the most effective treatment plan. Counselling to bring about lifestyle changes and exercise schedules may also offer relief.

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