Copper T Insertion and Removal


Copper T insertion and removal involve the placement and subsequent retrieval of a copper-based intrauterine device (IUD) used for long-term birth control. Srinivasa Hospital play a critical role in ensuring these procedures are done safely, effectively, and with minimal discomfort to patients.

When deciding on Copper T as a contraceptive method our gynaecologist, offers guidance, educating patients about the benefits, potential side effects, and what to expect during the procedure.

The actual insertion is typically brief. It is done in precision by our trained gynaecologist using specialised instruments, ensuring its correct positioning for optimal efficacy. Any discomfort or complications during insertion can be swiftly addressed.

Removal of the Copper T is equally critical and can be done upon the patient’s request or after its effective lifespan has passed. Like the insertion process, removal is also performed with care, ensuring patient safety and comfort.

After both procedures, we provide comprehensive post-procedure care, offering advice on recovery, potential symptoms to watch for, and contraceptive effectiveness.


Benign cysts

Cysts in children & adolescents

Cysts in pregnancy


HPV DNA testing

Malignant cysts

Pap smear Liquid based cytology (LBC)


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