Phototherapy Treatment of Newborn Jaundice


Jaundice is a common condition in newborns, often characterized by a yellowing of the skin and eyes. This condition is due to an accumulation of bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced during the breakdown of old red blood cells. When a newborn’s liver isn’t mature enough to process this bilirubin, it builds up, leading to jaundice. Srinivasa Hospitals offers pototherapy treatment.

It is a simple and non-invasive treatment that uses special blue or ultraviolet light to break down excess bilirubin in the baby’s body. Newborns are placed under a phototherapy lamp, wearing only a diaper and protective eyewear to shield their eyes. The blue light waves penetrate the baby’s skin and change the bilirubin molecules, making them water-soluble. This allows the bilirubin to be easily excreted through urine and faeces.

The duration of the treatment varies, we regularly monitor bilirubin levels to ensure that it is stopped as soon as levels are safe.

Parents are counselled to understand that newborn jaundice is treatable and that phototherapy is a tried-and-true solution. Quick diagnosis and intervention are key, to ensuring the well-being of the baby.


Double surface phototherapy

Single surface phototherapy

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