Pregnancy Scans


During pregnancy, monitoring the health and development of the fetus is of utmost importance. Srinivasa Hospital offers a range of pregnancy scans to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby. These diagnostic tools are pivotal in observing foetal growth, assessing potential complications, and preparing for a safe delivery.

One of the most familiar scans is the first-trimester scan. This ultrasound helps determine the due date and checks for multiple pregnancies. Following this, the anomaly scan, typically conducted between 18 to 21 weeks, assesses the baby’s anatomy for any abnormalities. The growth scan in the third trimester evaluates the baby’s size, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the placenta’s position.

It is essential to choose a hospital with state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment and trained sonographers. A high-quality scan ensures accurate results, facilitating better decision-making by healthcare professionals.

Pregnancy scans also provide an emotional connection, allowing parents-to-be a first glimpse of their baby. We can also provide scan photos or videos as keepsakes, making the experience even more memorable.

In summary, pregnancy scans in hospitals play a vital role in prenatal care, ensuring the safety and health of both mother and baby throughout the gestation period.


Cervical length scan

Fetal echo scan

Growth & doppler scans

NT scan

Oblique anomaly scan

TIFFA scan

Viability scan

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