Vaginal Infection Treatment


Vaginal infections are common ailments women may encounter, resulting from various causes such as bacterial imbalance, yeast overgrowth, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We provide specialised care for women experiencing these conditions, ensuring accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Upon presenting symptoms like itching, burning, unusual discharge or odour, our gynaecologist typically conducts a pelvic exam and may collect samples for laboratory testing. This rigorous diagnosis helps in pinpointing the exact nature of the infection.
Treatment varies based on the diagnosis. Women are always counselled on the importance of completing the entire treatment regimen to prevent a recurrence.

Furthermore, we advise about vaginal health, emphasising preventative measures, hygiene best practices, and the significance of regular check-ups. With the right treatment and preventive care, most vaginal infections can be swiftly managed and resolved.


Bacterial vaginosis

Candidiasis & yeast




Trichomonal vaginitis

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